The Department of Soil Science is the oldest and likely most renowned soil science department in the USA, and perhaps even in the world. We are home to degrees in soil and environmental sciences. Our department’s research mission includes cycling of water, energy, elements and the sustainability of natural and managed ecosystems. Our environmental research and education, focuses on the solid-liquid interfaces, transformation, and fate of current and emerging contaminants in soil from industrial, urban, and agricultural sources.
Alfred Hartemink, Department Pedologist
Department Name Change
Leo M. Walsh Lecture in Soil Science
The Devil’s Element: Phosphorus and a world out of balance
Check out our website to learn about degrees, courses, research, extension, teaching and our people!
The department of Soil Science has a rich history with lots to explore. We encourage all to learn about what Soil Science has done over the years.
Department of Soil Science | College of Agricultural and Life Sciences | University of Wisconsin-Madison 1525 Observatory Drive | Madison, WI 53706-1299 Main office telephone: 608.262.2633