Soil Science Doctoral Minor

A doctoral minor in soil science shall consist of a minimum of 9 credits in the Department of Soil Science. At least 5 of the 9 credits must be from course numbered 500 or higher. One credit of SOIL SCI 728 Graduate Seminar may be applied toward the 9-credit minimum.
Students planning to complete a doctoral minor in soil science, must secure a faculty advisor from the Department of Soil Science who will serve as the minor advisor on the student’s doctoral committee. Students must also complete the Department of Soil Science’s doctoral minor form, obtain all necessary signatures, and return the completed form to the Graduate Program Manager, Julie Garvin (
The Graduate School requires doctoral minors or graduate/professional certificates be added, changed, or discontinued through the Graduate Student Portal in MyUW. To apply for this minor complete the required steps above and then log in to MyUW, click on Graduate Student Portal, and then click on Add/Change Programs. Select the information for the doctoral minor or graduate/professional certificate for which you are applying.