Laura Ward Good
Department of Soil Science
1525 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1299
Office: 139A King Hall
Affiliate Websites:
Nutrient management planning, conservation planning, runoff phosphorus, Phosphorus Index (PI).
Program Affiliations
- Department of Soil Science
- BA Environmental Studies and BA Anthropology, 1980, Brown University
- MS Soil Science, 1988, University of Wisconsin-Madison
- PhD Soil Science, 2002, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Overview
Development of SnapPlus nutrient management planning software and related software promoting agricultural water quality protection and conservation.
Refining the Wisconsin Phosphorus Index agricultural runoff phosphorus model as a field management and watershed-scale targeting tool.
Selected Publications
Good, L.W., R. Carvin, J. Lamba, and F. Fitzpatrick. 2019. Seasonal variation in sediment and phosphorus yields in four Wisconsin agricultural watersheds. J. Environ. Qual. 48:950-958.
Vadas, P.A., M.N. Stock, F. Arriaga, L.W. Good, K.G. Karthikeyan, and Z.P. Zopp. 2019. Dynamics of measured and simulated dissolved phosphorus in runoff from winter-applied dairy manure. J. Environ. Qual. 48:899-906.
Carvin, R., L.W. Good, F. Fitzpatrick, C. Diehl, K. Songer, K.J. Meyer, J.C. Panuska, S. Richter, and K. Whalley. 2018. Testing a two-scale focused conservation strategy for reducing phosphorus and sediment loads from agricultural watersheds. J. Soil Water Conserv. 73:298-309.
Vadas, P.A., L.W. Good, W.E. Jokela, K.G. Karthikeyan, F.J. Arriaga, and M. Stock. 2017. Quantifying the impact of seasonal and short-term manure application decisions on phosphorus loss in surface runoff. J. Environ. Qual. 46:1395-1402.
Sharara, M., A. Sampat, L.W. Good, A.S. Smith, P. Porter, V.M. Zavala, R. Larson, and T. Runge. 2017. Spatially explicit methodology for coordinated manure management in shared watersheds. J. Environ. Mgmt. 192:48-56.
Vadas, P.A., J.M. Powell, G.E Brink, D.L Busch, and L.W. Good. 2015. Whole-farm phosphorus loss from grazing-based dairy farms. Agric. Syst. 140: 40-47.
Vadas, P.A., L.W. Good, J.C. Panuska, D. Busch, and R.A. Larson. 2015. A new model for phosphorus loss in runoff from outdoor cattle lots. Trans. ASABE. 58(4):1035-1045.
Madison, A.M., M.D. Ruark, T.D. Stuntebeck, M.J. Komiskey, L.W. Good, N. Drummy, and E. T. Cooley. 2014. Characterizing phosphorus dynamics in tile-drained agricultural fields of eastern Wisconsin. J. Hydrol. 519:892-901.
Good, L.W., P.A. Vadas, J.C. Panuska, C.A. Bonilla, and W.E. Jokela. 2012. Testing the Wisconsin P Index with year-round, field-scale runoff monitoring. J. Environ. Qual. 2012. 41:1730-1740.
Panuska, J., L.W. Good, P. Vadas, D.L. Busch, and A. Ozkaynak. 2011. Sediment and particulate phosphorus characteristics in grassed waterways from row crop corn and alfalfa fields collected using manual University of Exeter and automatic sampling. Hydrol. Process. 25:2329-2338.
Vadas, P. A., L.W. Good, P.A. Moore Jr., and N. Widman. 2009. Estimating phosphorus loss in runoff from manure and phosphorus for a phosphorus loss quantification tool. J. Environ. Qual. 38:1645-1653.
Panuska, J.R., L.W. Good, and R. Wolkowski. 2007. Converting CRP land to corn: Minimizing phosphorus loss. Univ. of Wisconsin-Extension Publ. A3831.
Cooperband, L.R., and L.W. Good. 2002. Biogenic phosphate minerals in manure: Implications for phosphorus loss to surface waters. Environ. Sci. Technol. 36: 5075-5082.