Geoffrey (Geoff) Siemering

Department of Soil Science
1525 Observatory Drive
Madison, WI 52706-1299
Contaminant transport and community-initiated research
Program Affiliations
- Department of Soil Science
- BA Geochemistry, 1994, Pomona College, Claremont, California
- MS Soil Science, 1998, University of California-Berkeley
Research Overview
Geoff began working with the UWEX state soil specialists at UW Madison in early 2014 as an outreach specialist. His research to date has focused on contaminant behavior and impacts in soil, sediment and water with a strong emphasis on stakeholder driven projects at the interface of science and policy. Currently he is working on projects involving soil lead in urban and rural areas, developing statewide anthropogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon baseline values, and soil denitrification of cheese making and vegetable processing wastewater. In addition, Geoff currently serves on the WI Brownfield Study Group, the advisory body for state remediation and redevelopment practices on contaminated sites.
Selected Publications
Geoff Siemering, John B. Peters, and Doug Soldat. 2015. Sampling lawn and garden soils for analysis (A2166). University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison, WI.
Geoffrey Siemering and Doug Soldat. 2015. Lead in home garden soil (A4089). University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison, WI.
Geoffrey Siemering and Doug Soldat. 2015. Reducing exposure to lead in your garden soil (A4088). 2015. University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison, WI.
John Folstad, Sharon C Long, Doug Soldat, and Geoff Siemering. 2015. Soil contaminants in community gardens (A3905-03). University of Wisconsin Extension, Madison, WI.
Geoffrey S. Siemering, Jennifer D. Hayworth, Ben K. Greenfield. 2008. Assessment of Potential Aquatic Herbicide Impacts to California Aquatic Ecosystems. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 55(3): 415-431
Ben K. Greenfield, Geoffrey S. Siemering, Joy C. Andrews, Michael Rajan, Stephen P. Andrews, Jr., and David F. Spencer. 2007. Mechanical Shredding of Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes): Impacts to Water Quality in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta, California. Estuaries and Coasts 30: 627-640.
Siemering, Geoff. 2006. Technical Report for the Interagency Ecological Program (IEP) Pelagic Organism Decline (POD) Workgroup: Tier 1 Risk Assessment of California Department of Boating and Waterways Aquatic Herbicide Use in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta. SFEI Contribution 436. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Oakland, CA.
Siemering, Geoff and Jennifer Hayworth. 2006. Aquatic Herbicides: Overview of Usage, Fate and Transport, Potential Environmental Risk, and Future Recommendations for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Central Valley. White Paper for the Interagency Ecological Program. SFEI Contribution 414. San Francisco Estuary Institute, Oakland, CA.
Nicole David, Ben K. Greenfield, Geoffrey S. Siemering. 2006. Evaluating Impacts of Lake Maid Plant Control. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 44: 60-67.
Lingtian Xie, Kelly Thrippleton, Mary Ann Irwin, Geoffrey S. Siemering, David Crane, Kevin Berry, and Daniel Schlenk. 2005. Evaluation of Estrogenic Activities of Aquatic Herbicides and Surfactants Using a Rainbow Trout Vitellogenin Assay. Toxicological Sciences 87: 391-398.
Allen, P.G., G.S. Siemering, D.K. Shuh, J.J. Bucher, N.M. Edelstein, C.A. Langton, S.B. Clark, T. Reich and M.A. Denecke. 1997. Technetium Speciation in Cement Waste Forms Determined by X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy. Radiochimica Acta, 76: 77-86.