F.H. King Celebration
Franklin Hiram King was born on June 8 in 1848 on a farm near Whitewater, Wisconsin. He became the first professor of soil science at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison and he studied soil water, drainage, tillage, irrigation, swamps, nitrate movement, erosion by wind on sandy soils, the
construction of silos, maintenance of country roads, making of silage, and the comparative value of warm and cold water for dairy cows. On June 8, 2023, we will celebrate that it is 175 years ago that he was born. Program in 270 Soils Bldg., 1525 Observatory Dr., 3 to 5 pm.
Program: 3 to 3:05 Welcome; 3:05 to 3:25 “King’s early years” by Peter Jacobs; 3:25 to 3:45 “King with the Dept. of Soil Science” by Alfred Hartemink; 3:45 to 4:05 “Soil chemistry and King” by Phil Barak; 4:05 to 4:25 pm “Soil Physics” by Jingyi Huang. Reception in Jackson-Tanner Commons. All are welcome. Attendance is free. RSVP to Julie Garvin (jgarvin2@wisc.edu)
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