Support the Department of Soil Science
Buildings & Grounds: Jackson-Tanner Commons Fund (112-040-001)
Discretionary Funds: Department of Soil Science Fund (132-761-690); Soil Science Sense of Community Fund (112-760-000); Wm. Rothermel Soil Science Fund (132-760-734).
Endowed Chairs/Professorships: O.N. Allen Professorship in Soil Microbiology & Soil Science (132-766-025); Wm. Rothermel Bascom Professorship in Soil Science (132-761-507).
Undergraduate and/or Graduate Student Support: Champ Tanner Ag. Physics Award Fund (132-760-301); Charles & Alice Ream Soil & Water Protection Research Fund (132-760-392); Charles L. Ream Memorial Scholarship (132-760-073); Jaya G. Iyer Soil Science Endowment Fund (132-768-296); Kelling Soil Fertility Award Fund (112-767-130); Larry Bundy Graduate Student Fund (132-767-884); Lee Sommers Soil Science Graduate Educ. Fund (132-768-269); Leo Walsh Wis. Agri-Business Assoc. (WDGF) (132-763-186); M.L. Jackson Memorial Fund (132-763-633); O.N. Allen Graduate Fellowship Fund in Agric. (112-760-006); O.R. and Gladys Zeasman Soil Sciences Fund (132-765-222); R.D. Powell Memorial Scholarship Fund in Soil Science (132-767-570); Wayne Kussow & Wis. Turfgrass Assoc (WSGF) (132-762984).
Research and Programs: F.D. Hole Wis. Soil Study & Expedition Fund (1320767-691); Leo Walsh Distinguished Lecture ship in Soil Science (132–767-661); Nutrient Cycling in Agricultural Systems (122-760-003); Soil and Water Management Fund (112-760-005); Soil Science Faculty Research Fund (122-760-002); Wis. Soil Fertility & Nutrient Mgmt. Fund (112-760-004); Wis. Turfgrass Research Fund (112-760-001).
To donate to one of the Department of Soil Science Funds listed aboveClick here
This article was posted in Department News.